
29 de ago. de 2010

Alice by Victor Huerta

Victor Huerta

Victor Huerta

Victor Huerta

Victor Huerta

"Alice is all of us, not just a beautiful blonde Victorian girl but, everyone in our collective entirety. East/West... North/South. The Rabbit is Cuba, which has taken its course “down the hole”... Hence, its path winding through the last era of “El Caudillo”, and the course of corporate hegemony. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum are Fidel and Raul Castro ruling over their island "wonderland", while the Cheshire Cat represents the illusive truth...

Victor Huerta Bautista has created a world where the surreal and the real meet. Where animals interact with humans, and time seems to stand still in a sensuous, oddly baroque, world. Colonial America transculturalized into a hybrid mass of frightened people fighting others, and themselves. (...)

Huerta’s work explores cultural differences, the legacy of colonization, and the impact of globalization in Cuba. His work, potentially subversive to some, points towards a “new world” as an amalgamation of the best from all cultures... Reflecting the hybrid nature of this post-modern era... After all, what would the world be like without The Americas’ chocolate and tomatoes? Or, Cuba’s tobacco and rum?"


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