
4 de jun. de 2023

Que livro a lebre de março do país das maravilhas está lendo? What book is the March Hare is reading?


Acording to this crew the hare is tired of drinking tea and looks for coffee. Then enters in a mad mood search for opium eaters. Bored, she reads Aesops and plans a run with the mock turtle. It reads the beat generation and a naked tea party. Reads Byung Chul Han, and even threatens to suffer a burnout. Goes on the road to rest in "Grand hare hotel". The tea must go on. to me 


"The Grand Hare Hotel" by Wes Anderson 



"Confessions of an English Opium Eater" by de Quincey 



 ‘Middlemarch on a bad hare day’ by George Eliot. 



 Before the coffee gets cold" by Toshikazu Kawaguchi 



 "Sociedade do Cansaço" by Byung-Chul Han 



 The March Hare & Other Poems” Peter Weevers 

(@Madam.ziva )


"Hare House” Sally Hinchcliffe 



“The Hare & The Tortoise" 🐢

 (@Madam.ziva )


"Silent Spring" de Rachel Carson 



 "Naked Lunch" by William Burroughs 



 "The Canterbury Tales" de Geoffrey Chaucer 



On the Road, de Jack Kerouac! 



 And of course he is reading about the assassination of Julius Caesar which happened on the "Ides of March" @semperluxus


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