demonstrations by Adriana Peliano.

How to distinguish fact from version and information from manipulation? This is a good example of how people believe what they want to see, often strengthening prejudices and ignorance. This photomontage and digital manipulation has a disturbing and flighty presence on internet and is quoted in contexts where we expect more critical sense and discernment.
I present here the original photos of Lewis Carroll and Alice Liddell taken by him which were the basis for the fake montage. After disclosing the compared images on facebook I received information that the image was created by an artist who created a series of digital manipulations to reflect on the question of the simulacrum and the movement of images on the internet. It was a successful experiment? Unfortunately.
Como distinguir o fato da versão? A informação da manipulação? Esse é um bom exemplo de como como as pessoas acreditam no que querem ver, muitas vezes autorizando preconceitos e diplomando ignorâncias. Essa montagem tem vida ampla na internet e é citada em contextos onde esperamos mais senso crítico e discernimento. Mostro aqui as fotos originais de Lewis Carroll e Alice Liddell tiradas por ele que serviram de base para a montagem.
Depois de divulgar as imagem no facebook recebi a informação de que a imagem foi criada por um artista que criou uma série de manipulações digitais para refletir sobre a questão do simulacro e a circulação das imagens na internet. Foi um experimento bem sucedido? Lamentável.
This is another photomontage circulating on the internet and misinformed conversations. It was created on photos of Alice Liddell and Lewis Carroll taken by him, and a third photo of a father with his daughter, an image that serves as the basis for the meeting of the supposed couple. The evidence speaks for itself.
Essa é mais uma montagem fotográfica que circula na internet e em conversas mal informadas. Ela foi criada sobre fotos de Alice Liddell e Lewis Carroll tiradas por ele, além de uma terceira foto de um pai com a filha, imagem que serve de base para o encontro do suposto casal. As evidências falam por si.
comments on facebook:
"I think it is worthwhile to mention that the picture in the middle was not intended to be a hoax but is the digital collage of artist David O'Kane who has a whole series of fictional self-portraits made up of a composite of his own and Carroll's face. The artist's agenda was to problematize the workings of simulation and simulacra, and how meanings can be deformed as they are circulated over the internet. His artistic experiment alas succeeded too well..."
"Very interesting! Good topic to think about. I'm not sure what means to succeed well in this case. Make thousands believe or few understand that it was a semiotic strategy?"
"When I googled "David O'Kane" and "Lewis Carroll" the image appeared once. When I googled the picture on Google images it apeared about 20,800,000 results in 0.45 seconds! Very sad experiment indeed."

How to distinguish fact from version and information from manipulation? This is a good example of how people believe what they want to see, often strengthening prejudices and ignorance. This photomontage and digital manipulation has a disturbing and flighty presence on internet and is quoted in contexts where we expect more critical sense and discernment.
I present here the original photos of Lewis Carroll and Alice Liddell taken by him which were the basis for the fake montage. After disclosing the compared images on facebook I received information that the image was created by an artist who created a series of digital manipulations to reflect on the question of the simulacrum and the movement of images on the internet. It was a successful experiment? Unfortunately.
Como distinguir o fato da versão? A informação da manipulação? Esse é um bom exemplo de como como as pessoas acreditam no que querem ver, muitas vezes autorizando preconceitos e diplomando ignorâncias. Essa montagem tem vida ampla na internet e é citada em contextos onde esperamos mais senso crítico e discernimento. Mostro aqui as fotos originais de Lewis Carroll e Alice Liddell tiradas por ele que serviram de base para a montagem.
Depois de divulgar as imagem no facebook recebi a informação de que a imagem foi criada por um artista que criou uma série de manipulações digitais para refletir sobre a questão do simulacro e a circulação das imagens na internet. Foi um experimento bem sucedido? Lamentável.
This is another photomontage circulating on the internet and misinformed conversations. It was created on photos of Alice Liddell and Lewis Carroll taken by him, and a third photo of a father with his daughter, an image that serves as the basis for the meeting of the supposed couple. The evidence speaks for itself.
Essa é mais uma montagem fotográfica que circula na internet e em conversas mal informadas. Ela foi criada sobre fotos de Alice Liddell e Lewis Carroll tiradas por ele, além de uma terceira foto de um pai com a filha, imagem que serve de base para o encontro do suposto casal. As evidências falam por si.
comments on facebook:
"I think it is worthwhile to mention that the picture in the middle was not intended to be a hoax but is the digital collage of artist David O'Kane who has a whole series of fictional self-portraits made up of a composite of his own and Carroll's face. The artist's agenda was to problematize the workings of simulation and simulacra, and how meanings can be deformed as they are circulated over the internet. His artistic experiment alas succeeded too well..."
"Very interesting! Good topic to think about. I'm not sure what means to succeed well in this case. Make thousands believe or few understand that it was a semiotic strategy?"
"When I googled "David O'Kane" and "Lewis Carroll" the image appeared once. When I googled the picture on Google images it apeared about 20,800,000 results in 0.45 seconds! Very sad experiment indeed."
Obrigada por postar isso!
ResponderExcluirPrimeira vez que encontrei alguém que expôs essas fotos fake, bom trabalho.