
2 de mar. de 2015

New Alice editions

Carroll Books coming in 2015 
(not including standard Tenniel editions)

Alice in Wonderland Unfolded, 
illustrated by Yelena Bryksenkova (Rock Point, May 5) 

Alice in Wonderland: Down the Rabbit Hole
Eric Puybaret, illustrator (Imagine) 

Alice in Wonderland: 
With 3-Dimensional Pop-Up Scenes, 
illustrated by Maria Taylor (Tango, June 1) 

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
illustrated by Anna Bond (Puffin Books, November 3) 

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
illustrated by Anthony Browne (Walker Books, March 5) 

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
illustrated by David Delamare.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
illustrated by Grahame Baker-Smith (Panorama Pops, August 4) 

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
 illustrated by Salvador Dalí (The National Museum of Mathematics/Princeton University Press, fall), introduction by Mark Burstein and Professor Thomas Banchoff 

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
illustrated by Tony Ross (Uelsmann, August 1) 

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
 illustrated by Andrea D’Aquino (Rockport, September 1) 

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
 A Sesquicentennial Edition (Inky Parrot Press, fall). 
Each chapter features a different illustrator.

 The Annotated Alice: The 150th Anniversary Deluxe Edition 
(W. W. Norton, October 5), edited, art-directed, and introduced by Mark Burstein.
Different illustrators.

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