The Alice books create a cosmogony of dreams and paradoxes in dialog with archetypical themes which seeds cartographies of arcane motifs. I have found few decks and artistic works which plays with connections between Alice and tarot and its dynamics of symbols and mysteries.
Inner Child Cards
Follows a card of the amazing deck of inner child, with cards full of rich and enchanted dialogs between pictures, literary characters, fairy tales and the movements of the soul looking for freedom and inner truths.
"Excellent for dream work, the recovery process, and use with children. Inner Child Cards is a tarot system that helps us interact with the world's most potent archetypes. The authors assign an archetypal childhood story to each image in the traditional tarot deck. Cinderella aligns with the Moon card, traditionally associated with the power of dreams and visions. Sleeping Beauty parallels the Death card with its theme of personal metamorphosis. Little Red Cap stands in for the Fool (the innocent)."
found at lepalaisdutarot
Inner Child Cards
Follows a card of the amazing deck of inner child, with cards full of rich and enchanted dialogs between pictures, literary characters, fairy tales and the movements of the soul looking for freedom and inner truths.
"Excellent for dream work, the recovery process, and use with children. Inner Child Cards is a tarot system that helps us interact with the world's most potent archetypes. The authors assign an archetypal childhood story to each image in the traditional tarot deck. Cinderella aligns with the Moon card, traditionally associated with the power of dreams and visions. Sleeping Beauty parallels the Death card with its theme of personal metamorphosis. Little Red Cap stands in for the Fool (the innocent)."
"A new and updated edition of the popular tarot deck that reawakens the child in all of us."
"Uses the important archetypes of childhood fairy tales to awaken emotional memory and heal the child within. "
Inner Child Cards
Inner Child Cards: A Fairy-Tale Tarot Paperback
by Isha Lerner (Author) , Mark Lerner (Author),
Christopher Guilfoil (Illustrator)
The italian artist Octavia Monaco illustrated an amazing edition of Looking Glass in a permanent dialog with the major arcana of tarot. Here I show some connections, comparing her illustrations with cards of the tarot of Marseilles. This work purposes an intertextual reading creating a conversation between parallel realities opening new doors to unconscious and purposing incredible puzzles and enigmas.

Octavia Monaco x Tarot de Marseilles

Octavia Monaco x Tarot de Marseilles

Octavia Monaco x Tarot de Marseilles

Octavia Monaco x Tarot de Marseilles
This is a card of a Surrealist Tarot Deck which was a collective creation where Breton proposed a complete reinvention of the sign system according to surrealist principles. Thus, traditional suits have been renamed: fire for the love and desire, star for dreams, Wheels for the revolution, and locks for knowledge. The actual hierarchy of the King and Queen and the Knave was later renamed to the genius, the mermaid and the magician.
Lautréamont, Novalis, Sade, Paracelsus, Freud and other lords were also there. In this card a mysterious figures challenges us: perhaps a rabbit, a caterpillar, a smiling cat smiling, or herself, Alice, Sphinx and girl. In Surrealism a metamorphic Alice became a symbol that mingled freely among bestiaries and modern myths in a permanent transformation daring conventions and fixed identities.
Collective Surrealist creation.
Other interesting Arts and decks:
Alice Tarot
by Baba Studio
by Baba Studio

Baba Studio
Baba Studio
Baba Studio
Wonderland Tarot Deck
by Christopher Abbey and Morgana Abbey
by Christopher Abbey and Morgana Abbey
Christopher Abbey and Morgana Abbey
found at lepalaisdutarot
I love the inner child cards. I've discovered just how important inner child work really is and combining it with the tarot or oracle cards is a wonderful idea! Well done.
ResponderExcluirThanks for your appreciation. I also love this deck and use it a lot just selecting cards connected with special moments in life. The cards are beautiful and very inspiring and insightful. my best, Adriana