Liliana Porter / Alice (1988)
Liliana Porter / Blue Alice with Mirror (1995)
In the first time I saw these Alices by Liliana Porter they revealed a land of vestiges and remains. The impermanence and the lack of a predictable logic dare our need for stability and coherence. Disconnected peaces of an improbable puzzle unbalance conventional ways of reading and understanding.Tenniel's Alice appears in fragments of her moments of rupture and instability - being attacked buy the pack of cards at the end of the story and flowing scared in the pool of tears. The fragments around the girl in these pictures disturb her need of a safe knowledge and language, like the rigid and well behaved Alice depicted at the original victorian illustrations.
The fragmentation of pictures and conversations defies the possibility of linear stories and fixed identities. Alice is challenged by unpredictability, instability and displacement.
"Who in the world am I? That is the great puzzle..."
The mad hatter points to relativity.
Tenniel's original illustrations HERE
"In the last years, parallel to photography and video, I have been making works on canvas, prints, drawings, collages, and small installations. Many of these pieces depict a cast of characters that are inanimate objects, toys and figurines that I find in flea markets, antique stores, and other odd places. The objects have a double existence. On the one hand they are mere appearance, insubstantial ornaments, but, at the same time, have a gaze that can be animated by the viewer, who, through it, can project the inclination to endow things with an interiority and identity. These "theatrical vignettes" are constructed as visual comments that speak of the human condition. I am interested in the simultaneity of humor and distress, banality and the possibility of meaning."
Liliana Porter
More Alice Artwork by Liliana Porter
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