
29 de ago. de 2012

Psychedelic Alice

Adrian Piper 
Alice Down the Rabbit Hole (a1966; 18 x 24" acrylic painting) 

 Adrian Piper 
Alice and the Pack of Cards (1966; 18 x 24" acrylic painting)

"In her younger years, still in high school, she created paintings that were discovered later on in life and became known works. For instance "Alice Down the Rabbit Hole". They are considered Adrian's LSD paintings. She began to understand the principle of Conceptual art. The media she chooses to use is painting, sculpture, drawing, performance, video, installation, sound works and photo documentation. Having it being her first generation as a conceptual artists she began to introduce herself into yoga and meditation. This was something she wanted to achieve personally. Her goal was to explore her consciousness, perception, and infinite permutation using maps, diagrams, photographs, and descriptive language. After this she went onto exploring Minimalism. "Alice Down the Rabbit Hole" created on canvas board." 

found at Art 108

Follow excerpts from the site:

Curiouser Curioser - Psychedelic Interpretations

"The New Historical approach not only examines the era in which a work of literature was created, but also recognizes that later eras can assign meaning to a work based on their own culture and circumstances (Tyson 295). Thus a New Historical critic, when interpreting Alice, would look not only to how men and women in the Victorian Age would have understood Alice, but how later interpretations reflect the concerns and interests of later historical eras. One of these later interpretations works well as an example, both because of its clear roots in a specific culture and its persistence as a popular interpretation: the Psychedelic Interpretation."


"The Psychedelic Interpretation, more than some of the others, has its roots in popular culture, specifically with Jefferson Airplane’s “White Rabbit.” The lyrics, written by Grace Slick, include a lot of Alice imagery, as well åas some not-so-subtle drug references, which nevertheless were subtle enough to make it past the radio censors in 1967. (Click here to listen to the song) The song was enormously popular and inspired many other artists to explore the connection between Alice and recreational drug use, until Alice was essentially the mascot of ‘60s and ‘70s drug culture. In fact, as Scott Parker points out, “the association of drugs with Alice is so established that alice is now a slang term for LSD." 

Drug Influence in the books

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