Sergey Tyukanov
Sergey Tyukanov
Alice viajou entre arquiteturas lúdicas na arte do Russo Sergey Tyukanov. Esses artistas materializavam seres híbridos, misturando objetos, arquiteturas e criaturas fantásticas num feitiço delirante, bizarro e alegórico. Mundos paradoxais, colagens surreais. Alice se viu como um país imaginário, mesa de chá, torre de Babel, uma praça vermelha em um universo regido pelo Era uma vez. Seres eram torres, objetos eram seres, montagens nonsense, jogos impossíveis, mundos improváveis.
Alice traveled across ludic architectures in the art of Russian Sergey Tyukanov. The images materialize hybrid creatures, mixing objects, architecture and fantastic creatures in a delusional, bizarre and allegorical spell. Paradoxical worlds, surreal collages. Alice saw herself as an imaginary country, tea table, the tower of Babel, the Red Square in a universe governed by once upon a time. Beings were towers, objects were beings, nonsense assemblies, impossible games, improbable worlds.
"In drawing attention to the textuality of the illustrated work and the structures through which we encounter it, the artists I have discussed offer images that don’t just illustrate the books but seem to comment upon - even to creatively mis-read – Carroll’s texts. For the child reader in particular, this disparity between verbal and visual narratives is important, helping him or her learn that stories can be told from many perspectives, or as an ideological critic may note, that no narrative truth is absolute. The resonance of this polyvalence to Russian illustrators is especially clear in light of the cultural sea changes that Russia underwent during the 20th century and of the postutopian spirit that Groys identifies in late Soviet artists. In my mind, these Russian artists are amongst the most successful of Carroll’s illustrators, because they epitomise one of the most important and characteristic qualities of the illustrated work: the dynamic, progressive and exciting dialogue between words and images."
Ella Parry-Davis
"Alice Through the Iron Curtain"
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