The Shooting Gallery. Lithograph after a drawing, 1939-1940.
Toyen realizou durante a guerra e a ocupação nazista na Tchecoslováquia uma série de desenhos aonde a infância era o passaporte para uma visão perplexa de um mundo aparentemente sem sentido. O deserto em sua obra era uma paisagem subjetiva e arcaica, um pesadelo ameaçador, palco de dramas internos que reverberavam catástrofes coletivas. Em uma dessas imagens, onde Alice se espelhava, ela se via sozinha e anônima, numa paisagem de morte, isolamento e solidão.
Pássaros despedaçados, asas arrancadas e penas espalhadas por toda parte, corpos desmembrados no campo de batalha, criavam um horizonte intensamente perturbador. A criança estava mais próxima do selvagem coração da vida. Alice sem rosto se voltava para o horizonte de um mundo em ruínas: haveria a esperança de um novo começo? Vendo-se naquele espelho estilhaçado, numa jornada por terrenos cheios de armadilhas e jogos de guerra, Alice ouviu ecos que a procuravam: quem somos? Para onde vamos?

The Shooting Gallery. Lithograph after a drawing, 1939-1940.
Toyen, Day and Night, 1940
Sem rosto, Alice perdeu o seu próprio nome. Procurou lembrar-se de todas as meninas que conhecia para saber se tinha se transformado em alguma delas. Toyen havia ilustrado Anička , estória inspirada nas aventuras de Alice, onde a menina penetrava num labirinto de espelhos. Alice se viu em Anička e outras meninas que habitavam o mundo de Toyen, passageiras do desconhecido. Toyen sonhava com Alice ou consigo mesma? Ou com a infância de todos nós? Alice se viu num tempo e num espaço radicalmente outros, numa paisagem ao mesmo tempo familiar e estranha entre vertigens que a lançava em abismos de morte e desejo. Um mergulho no maravilhoso e um convite para acreditar em muitas coisas impossíveis antes do café da manhã. Uma multidão de coelhos brancos corriam sem sair do lugar. A vida é sonho.
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Toyen held during the war and Nazi occupation in Czechoslovakia a series of drawings where childhood was a passport to a vision of a world seemingly stunned senseless. The desert in his work was a subjective landscape and archaic, a nightmare threatening, stage dramas internal reverberated collective catastrophes. In one of these an Alice like child find herself alone and anonymous in a landscape of death, isolation and loneliness.
Birds shattered, torn wings and feathers scattered everywhere, dismembered bodies on the battlefield, created an intensely disturbing horizon. The child was closer to the wild heart of life. Alice faceless turned to the horizon of a world in ruins: there hope for a new beginning? Seeing yourself in that mirror shattered, a journey by land filled with traps and war games, Alice heard echoes that sought: Who are we? Where are we going?
Faceless, Alice lost her own name. Tried to remember all the girls to see if they knew had become one of them. Toyen was illustrated Anička, inspired by the story of Alice's adventures, which penetrated the girl in a maze of mirrors. Alice found herself in Anička and other girls who inhabited the world of Toyen, passing the unknown. Toyen dreamed Alice or herself? Or the childhood we all? Alice found herself in a time and space radically other, a landscape both familiar and strange vertigo among the cast into pits of death and desire. A dip in the wonderful and an invitation to believe many impossible things before breakfast. A crowd of white rabbits ran without leaving your seat. Life is a dream.
Birds shattered, torn wings and feathers scattered everywhere, dismembered bodies on the battlefield, created an intensely disturbing horizon. The child was closer to the wild heart of life. Alice faceless turned to the horizon of a world in ruins: there hope for a new beginning? Seeing yourself in that mirror shattered, a journey by land filled with traps and war games, Alice heard echoes that sought: Who are we? Where are we going?
Faceless, Alice lost her own name. Tried to remember all the girls to see if they knew had become one of them. Toyen was illustrated Anička, inspired by the story of Alice's adventures, which penetrated the girl in a maze of mirrors. Alice found herself in Anička and other girls who inhabited the world of Toyen, passing the unknown. Toyen dreamed Alice or herself? Or the childhood we all? Alice found herself in a time and space radically other, a landscape both familiar and strange vertigo among the cast into pits of death and desire. A dip in the wonderful and an invitation to believe many impossible things before breakfast. A crowd of white rabbits ran without leaving your seat. Life is a dream.
Ilustração de Toyen para
"Anička skřítek a slaměný Hubert"
livro de Vítězslav Nezval (Prague, 1936)
know about the artist:
by Karel Srp
Essas imagens não foram criadas baseadas nos livros de Alice,
embora sua influência possa ser notada para que façamos a aproximação.
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