
4 de nov. de 2010

Brothers Quay's dream with Alice

Esse filme é uma maravilha que a muito tempo eu procuro para apresentar para vocês nesse nosso gabinete de curiosidades. Brothers Quay são meus animadores prediletos, ao lado do insuperável Svankmajer (que recriou Alice num longa de animação) .

Embora esse não seja literalmente um filme sobre Alice, ele contém muitos elementos sugestivos do imaginário de Lewis Carroll. Deslocamentos na percepção do espaço e do tempo,
subversão da lógica, um coelho e uma menina, uma garafa misteriosa, metamorfose, pesadelo e desejo.

Vale a pena conhecer mais o trabalho desses animadores, que mergulham no universo do incosciente, numa linguagem fragmentada e onírica, onde luzes, poeira, cenários decadentes, estranhos objetos e bonecas em ruínas assombram memórias, descombrem nossos medos da infância e revelam saudades do que nunca vivemos. Melancolia e desejo, delicadeza e ruína, pesadelos preciosos. 

This film is a wonder that a long time I try to present to you in this cabinet of curiosities. Quay Brothers are among my favorite animators ever.You should know more about Brothers Quay's films, which plunge into the universe of the unconscious, in a fragmented and dreamlike language, where lights, dust, decadent scenery, strange objects and dolls in ruins haunt memories and reveal childhood fears in melancholic day dreamings. Fear and desire, delicate ruins, precious nightmares.

While this is not exactly a movie about Alice, it contains many elements suggestive of the imagination of Lewis Carroll. Shifts in perception of space and time, a rabbit and a girl, a mysterious bottle, subversion of logic, metamorphosis, nightmare and desire.

Stephen and Timothy Quay (born June 17, 1947 in Norristown, Pennsylvania) are American identical twin brothers better known as the Brothers Quay or Quay Brothers. They are influential stop-motion animators.
Most of their animation films feature puppets made of doll parts and other organic and inorganic materials, often partially disassembled, in a dark, moody atmosphere. Perhaps their best known work is Street of Crocodiles, based on the short novel of the same name by the Polish author and artist Bruno Schulz. They have made two feature-length live action films: Institute Benjamenta, or This Dream People Call Human Life and The Piano Tuner Of Earthquakes. They also directed an animated sequence in the film Frida.With very few exceptions, their films have no meaningful spoken dialogue—most have no spoken content at all, while some, like The Comb (1990) include multilingual background gibberish that is not supposed to be coherently understood. Accordingly, their films are highly reliant on their music scores, of which have been written especially for them by the Polish composer Leszek Jankowski. They have already worked with Karlheinz Stockhausen.

Know more about Brothers Quay HERE

Interview with Brothers Quay HERE and HERE

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