
29 de ago. de 2012

Uma multiplicidade explosiva de Alicinações

Tim Rollins and K.O.S., Black Alice (after Lewis Carroll),
Lithographs with screeprint and handcoloring

Tim Rollins and K.O.S., White Alice (after Lewis Carroll),
lithograph w/silkscreen and collage, handpainted w/gesso. 

"Rollins and K.O.S. have produced paintings, prints, photographs, and sculpture based on literary texts such as Franz Kafka's Amerika, Harriet Jacobs' Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, and musical scores, including Winterreise by Franz Schubert." read more at the ICA site

" ... Uma multiplicidade explosiva de Alicinações transita hoje nos labirintos da arte e da cultura, viagens alicinadas, percursos labirínticos, Alices se multiplicam, perdem o nome, ganham outros nomes e se transformam a todo momento. Muitas Alices buscam um jogo que fornece elementos para a criação de uma obra de sentido aberto, que se constrói durante a relação com o outro, entre a obra, o leitor, o artista e o público. Nossa aventura começa na leitura de Alice em textos e figuras. As figuras podem revelar aspectos insuspeitados da obra, desafiando o texto e o leitor, fazendo novas perguntas a partir das perguntas que o texto propõe. Criar figuras é também ler, inventar e estimular a leitura e a criação do leitor e do público..."
Adriana Peliano

“Um livro é escrito por quem o lê”, disse Maffesolli.

"... A multiplicity of explosive Alicenations now transit in the labyrinths of art and culture, traveling in labyrinthine paths. Alices multiply, lose the name, gain other names in a permanent movement. Many Alices look for a game that provides elements to create a work with opening meanings, which is built during the relationship with the other, between the work, the reader, artist and audience. Our adventure begins in reading Alice in text and figures. The figures may reveal unsuspected aspects of the work, challenging the text and the reader, asking new questions from the questions that the text proposes. Create figures is also read, invent and promote the reading and creating the reader and the audience..."
Adriana Peliano

 "A book is written for anyone who reads it," said Maffesolli.

Lewis Carroll / 1864

Tim Rollins and K.O.S participated at the Alice's exhibitions at Tate Liverpool: Alice in Wonderland
Exhibition 4 November 2011 – 29 January 2012

Hamburger - Kunsthalle: 
Alice in the Wonderland of Art
Exhibition  22 June – 30 September 2012

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