
26 de jan. de 2011

Hunting Snarks

Found at the amazing blog A JOURNEY ROUND MY SKULL

Cover for The Hunting of the Snark - An Agony in Eight Fits by Lewis Carroll, illustrated by Mahendra Singh (2010 Melville House)

"Lewis Carroll's Hunting of the Snark is his Nonsense masterpiece, a unique, weirdly epic romp through a world completely devoid of common sense. Yet at the same time, there is a logic governing the story, a dream-logic which cannot be trifled with when illustrating the poem. Respect the Nonsense!

The graphic novel version sampled here is the longest Snark yet published, to my knowledge. This length allowed me to pack in many references and allusions, chiefly Surrealist but also ranging from ancient Rome to British Sci-Fi. The dream-logic of Surrealism fills out the matrix of Carrollian Nonsense better than most isms.

The technique of faux wood-engraving pen and ink work is also an homage to Max Ernst and his collage novels, such as Une Semaine de Bonté. This quintessential Victorian visual technique lends the imagery a sense of false authority which dovetails nicely with the Nonsense of what I call the Carrollian Multiverse, the world of topsy-turvydom.

Surrealism, Nonsense, Philosophy and Culture, these are the major themes of my Snark. But above all, I hope it furnishes a key for younger people, students of the arts in particular, who are searching for alternatives to the abysmal popular culture swamping them. The Snark is Nonsense but it is real Art of the highest caliber and the Carrollian Multiverse is a very frabjous place to make it in!"

Mahendra Singh
For more:
Biblioklept's interview with Mahendra here
New Yorker review here
Salon review here

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