
4 de dez. de 2010

Cry me by Vladimir Clavijo – Telepnev

"What wert thou, dream-Alice, in thy foster-father's eyes? How shall he picture thee? Loving, first, loving and gentle: loving as a dog (forgive the prosaic simile, but I know no earthly love so pure and perfect), and gentle as a fawn: then courteous--courteous to all, high or low, grand or grotesque, King or Caterpillar, even as though she were herself a King's daughter, and her clothing of wrought gold: then trustful, ready to accept the wildest impossibilities with all that utter trust that only dreamers know; and lastly, curious--wildly curious, and with the eager enjoyment of Life that comes only in the happy hours of childhood, when all is new and fair, and when Sin and Sorrow are but names--empty words signifying nothing!”


Lewis Carroll. Alice on the Stage. Found HERE

Vladimir Clavijo – Telepnev

Depois de ter se transformado tantas vezes naquele dia, Alice não sabia mais quem era. Sua identidade vacilava no corpo a corpo com a linguagem numa constante desmontagem da lógica, do bom senso e de tudo o que ela tinha um dia aprendido na escola. Viajante de múltiplos eus, experimentava as delícias e as inseguranças de perder seu próprio nome. Transitava nos limiares e nos intertícios do tornar-se e se perguntava “se não sou a mesma, então quem é que eu sou?” 


Man Ray

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